Luke 10:2 ““The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”.

With having more than 1600 languages and dialects and multitudes of culture and highest population, India is standing in the number one position in Asian continent as non-evangelized country.
6 million villages and slums laying without even basic facility for leading a normal life. They have never heard the Gospel even once. The biggest question is that how can they know about the second coming of Christ without hearing about the first coming of Christ ?

To reach these unreached area are a real challenge, but possible.
One of the best ways to share the Gospel with the unreached people is to raise their own people up and send them back to their own and start house churches and prayer cells. There is no need to learn new language or culture because they are from the same place and the positive thing is that they are preaching to their own people, so, there is no chance for them to face any persecution and opposition.
In association with the local churches, we give training to the local believers by teaching them the basic information about the Bible and equip them to share about the love of Christ with their neighbors, families, friends and co-workers.

These trainings are for four days in four months for a group of 30 to 40 believers throughout the day. Morning tea and snacks, Lunch and evening tea and snacks provided for all participants. This training is comprised with – Teaching, practical teaching, group discussion and demonstration of how they will share the Gospel with others.
We are getting good reports from the local church leaders that new people are coming to their prayer groups and churches as the result of these training to their believers. Many prayer cells and house fellowships have started.
Our plan and prayer is to train and equip 2,000 believers in this year from different parts of India and plant at least 1,000 house churches in India with them.