Leadership training: Do you have a heart for God and want to shape others for him too? Please join with us in shaping leaders for Gospel work in India. You are most welcome to visit our beautiful nation and train our people. God bless you.
One of the targets of Gospel India Mission is leadership training for the Gospel workers of the remote villages and slums. Thousands of villages and slums are yet to be evangelized. The needs of these villages are great, and gospel workers who work in the villages and slums are in real need of motivation and training. With little amount of expenditure we organize workshops in various parts of India. 50 to 60 gospel workers and young people from the local churches come for these meetings and are trained and motivated to reach other villages.
The recipients
These workshops are also meant for the young people in the village churches. We have seen many young people come forward and dedicate their life to the work of God. We pray and plan to organize such meetings all over India. We also invite Gospel workers, church believers and Bible Training students from different Christian organizations.
Cheap-to-arrange and yet fruitful
For less than Rs. 45,000 (USD 1,000) we can organize such meetings. Our aim with these seminars is to train the youngsters and make them leaders that preach about Christ to their own people and bring them to Christ. This mission is easy to do and fruitful, as these local leaders need not to learn a new language, culture or anything new but simply can mingle with their own people and share about Christ.
Public night conferences is a good way to share about the love of Christ where we also pray for the different needs of the people. People of all walks of life come and accept Jesus into their life. Small, public meetings are held for two to three nights and attract people to come together as a family.
Coming to God
We use the roadside or the front yard of believers’ house, or parks, as the venue for meetings. People get saved in these meetings, and also experience the power of God through healing. God also solves their different problems. People get prayed for, and the following night they return and share about what they have experienced, publicly.
If you are a servant of God and want to impart your ideas and knowledge to these Gospel workers and equip them to reach millions of lost souls in Indian villages, we welcome you here – we will organize meetings for you.
Please write to us your suggestions at gospelindiamission@gmail.com